- Disclosure of pre-existing relationships in business dealings.
- Disclosure of any funds being received by any party to that contract.
- Disclosure of whom each party works for or represents.
- Clarity of duties to clients or customers.
- Disclose any additional duties due, if additional relationships are involved.
- Disclosure of compensation to others in transaction.
- Duty of confidentiality of clients during and after transaction.
- Establish when relationship begins and ends.
- Disclose all material facts that may not be apparent or easily ascertainable to a party.
- Duty of reasonable care to clients.
- The Duty to deal honestly and in good faith.
- To act in a timely manner.
- To be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of statements made.
- To be loyal and take no actions that is adverse or detrimental to your clients or employers interest.
- To advise others to seek council or professional advise in matters where explanations are beyond your scope of knowledge.
- Make a good faith continuous effort to find your client the item being searched for.
- Avoid a conflict of interest. Once determining that one may exist to disclose in a timely manner.
- No disclosure of confidential information without subpoena or court order during or after a relationship.
- Duty to complete performance.
- No exaggeration.
- All parties to contracts must receive a copy of anything they sign, at the time of signing.
- Do not discriminate by race, religion, sex, color, sexual preference or orientation, handicap, political party, handicap, age, etc.
- Avoid misrepresentation.
- Behave in a professional and reasonable manor.
- Cooperation with other parties.
- Do not mislead others.
- Do not make inappropriate sexual or discriminatory remarks.
- Do not belittle others or cause conflict.
- Speak in a fair and honest manner.
- Return all phone calls, fax or emails in a timely basis.
- Obey all laws and regulations governing your industry
- Report any legal concerns to your supervisor or authorities.
- Share training and information in an open and helpful manner.
- Identify yourself on all phone calls or in any dealings.